Lately, you may have noticed that we have a seemingly endless supply of designer handbags. You might be wondering, have these girls recently won the lottery? Are they making exorbitant amounts of money off blogging? Have they finally resorted to finding sugar daddies, and if so, should I do this too?
Friends, the answer to all of the above is no. Style Secret is the key to our never-ending YSL bag snaps, a boutique where you can hire all the LV monogrammed goodness your heart desires.
Not many people have $1500 spare for a Givenchy Antigona Envelope Clutch, however $60 for a weekend makes this luxury affordable. If you grow attached to your clutch, you can hire it for the whole week for $90, or the month for $220.
Once your time with the bag is up, a prepaid return postage bag is included, so you’re not out-of-pocket on the return. It’s so easy, you’ll be left wondering why you hadn’t tried Style Secret sooner.
For the brand snob who wants a different bag 24/7, there’s also a monthly club. Once signing up, you are sent a different bag every month, making it super easy to mix up your outfits and look super fab all the time.
If you’ve been tossing up on buying a designer bag, this is a great way to road-test the bag first and see if you’re ready to make the commitment. Style Secret also have headpieces and select items of jewellery available for hire, so you can always find the perfect touch of luxury to complete an outfit.