This weekend, Hindley Street nightclub Big Window is launching their brand new Saturday night duly named ‘Miss Jackson‘, blasting all of your favourite rap, hip-hop and RnB artists.
The night is being run by Michael Zabalocki, who currently also co-runs the popular ‘All You Can Eat‘ Friday nights at Fat Controller.
“The aim is to lean a bit left of centre to other hip hop and RnB clubs in the scene,” explains Zabalocki, “Evidently there are numerous RnB and hip hop nights in Adelaide, however, our level of separation is the illusive aspect… the branding, the drinks, the club’s overall aesthetic.”
“Retro hip hop and RnB is fun. It’s nostalgic. It’s what most of our generation grew up listening to.”
At Miss Jackson, expect to hear beats by the likes of oldies such as OutKast, Biggie Smalls, Salt-n-Pepa and Tupac, as well as newer hip hop idols such as Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar.
Drink specials include $5 vodka, beer and bubbly until 10PM, alongside a funky lil twist: $5 Kool Aid (with vodka, of course). SERVING ALL NIGHT.
So get your baggiest boyfriend jeans on, a pair of XXL gold hoop earrings and turn that cap around, Miss Jackson is ready for you this weekend (we are for real). You can find Big Window located at 99 Hindley Street.