Open Spike (Mic) at Ancient World left everyone feeling a certain buzz – one not induced by alcohol or illicit substances – but by spoken word. Last Sunday, Ancient World’s multipurpose venue haven played host to Open Spike (Mic) a new event designed to give the young people of Adelaide a voice to recite poetry.
Host Rem Jawi claims the event was framed tantamount to, ‘When your drink gets spiked your life gets spiked.’ She also stammers that the art isn’t cheesy and welcomes everyone.
‘The event didn’t necessarily have a theme but it’s just meant to get people who have something to say to say something, because I know a lot of people do.’
Rem also claims she chose Ancient World on purpose. ‘I think it’s the best place because it’s tucked away and everyone goes out on the weekend but it’s safe like how Cuckoo was,’ she says. ‘It’s like a house.’
Kicking off at half past seven in the venues room of requirement/annex, Open Spike kicked off with its first act: me. It was my first attempt at spoken poetry, and I brazenly chose to go first.
While avoiding eye contact to the room’s ten or so patrons, I slammed some rhymes about roses and pit bulls inspired by Emily Dickinson’s natural imagery. As I looked into the crowd I felt reassured by the familiar faces I’d regularly seen at the venue, and dropped my previous pent up nervousness. As I strode to my seat others eagerly volunteered their words to be spotlighted on the purple stage. The space was swamped in an understanding atmosphere by the patient smiles of punters.
Open Spike ensued droning epics and descriptive raps across a variety of ages and topics, while inspiring my partner to spontaneously share some thoughts he’d written on his phone.
The evening concluded with a memorable Rem Jawi original that was performed with passion and cute anecdotes from the sea.
After the event an attendee said he felt a rush from witnessing the performances, while other poets like myself felt akin to this adrenaline, and continued the party by dancing through the night.
Ancient World is a ubiquitous host to a variety of spoken word events, so I recommend being vigilant and unafraid to collect some words for the next Open Spike (Mic) and experience this verbal rush of bravery.