The Pleasure Project – Adelaide Fringe: A Hilariously Inquisitive Take On The Female Orgasm

What do guys really know about the power of the female form, especially the clitoris?

Men may claim to have a few answers, and hey, for those who truly take time to learn, good on you! But in a society where female sexuality has been largely taboo, there is still a long way to go.

There is no shame in talking about something that most of us enjoy. Open dialogue is for everyone’s benefit.

The Pleasure Project is a hilarious yet eye-opening exploration of just how important this beautiful, tiny creation really is—even in the face of nuclear holocaust. LA-based comedienne, Ava Bogle, takes us on a fascinating, informative, and somewhat bizarre journey of how the clitoris can save humanity.

As Kim Jong-Un and the orange troll known as Donald Trump have pushed their buttons, it turns out that the one that needed to be flicked was close by all along.

This one-woman show brings together five different characters—each of them aliens—as they give humans one last chance to save themselves from impending nukes.

The aliens provide us with a historic and cultural take on earth’s sexuality, which, at the hands of religion and the patriarchy, has left humans out of touch with their capabilities.

Not only does Bogle utilise excellently edited videography throughout the performance, she also captivates us with high energy lip-synching, dancing, and the one-by-one introduction of the ‘human form’ aliens on stage. It is here, through their objective experiences within the female body, that each has imperative advice to impart on humankind.

So, how do we save ourselves?

Explosive orgasms are key (see the Greek meaning of the word ‘clitoris’).

The Pleasure Project is well thought-out, socially on-point, cleverly constructed, and utterly unique. We shouldn’t be afraid to delve into a topic that plays such a big role in our lives as hedonistic beings.

Shows like this break the norm in the best ways possible. The subject matter is presented in an incredibly fun manner, so there’s not much chance of you feeling uncomfortable. If you do, well, that just proves her point a little more.

Talk openly, honestly, and don’t be afraid to feel great. There’s not a damn thing wrong with sexual empowerment.

★★★★1/2    4.5/5 stars

The Pleasure Project will be playing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August. 

Image: Supplied

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