The desk: an environment which symbolizes stress, discomfort, and monotony for many. Changing the atmosphere of your space with a little desk aesthetic can impact your wellbeing and motivation on a range of different levels, so we have a few suggestions for some quirky additions to help amplify the good vibes in your home office. This season, we’re seeing lots of basic colours paired with vibrant pops and metallic accents to add textural contrast.
Clock: Arch Pendulum Mantle Clock $129.95
Every desk needs a clock, a feature which offers both practicality and style. This pendulum clock found at Light Box Gift and Home is the perfect urban touch to your work space. The clock is simplistic and contemporary in its unique block design, making it a minimalist’s dream.
Candle: Luxury Rose Gold Trinket Candle $30
If you’re a sucker for scents, a candle is a must and – in most cases – you’ll find they double up to make an elegant décor staple. Cameo Boutique Candles hand pour their own premium soy wax candles here in SA, offering an assortment of luxurious scents in stylish statement trinkets. This rose gold double-wick piece is a definite favourite.
Lamp: Atticus Table Lamp $149
Lamps are another necessity for your aesthetic desk-space. A well-lit work area means there will be less strain on your eyes, slowing down the fatigue whilst emanating a sense of warmth. This lamp made from steel and brushed brass from Oscar and Willow emulates an almost industrial-chic look whilst still retaining simplicity, making it a great addition to any desk layout.
Coasters: By Ashlea Van Riet (4 set) $50
Many of us are guilty of hoarding mugs in our work space, and those pesky little ring stains are a constant reminder of the neglect. These vibrant, hand painted pieces of art by the talented Ashlea Van Riet (formerly known as Copper&Co), give you the perfect dose of colour therapy. A household necessity transformed into unique artwork, why wouldn’t you?
Plants: ETS Monstera Deliciosa $60
Sitting at a desk all day can leave you feeling slightly secluded from the outside world, so bring a little piece of the outside-in! Plants are a fresh and lively little addition to your desk-sphere. Emma Sadie Thomson (EST) have established their business through the philosophy of ‘biophilia’, the palpable connection between living things, including that of humans and plants. They have a diverse range of plants styled for indoor spaces, such as this gorgeous piece of greenery, ‘Monstera Deliciosa’.
Cover image: SimpleDesks Tumblr
Other images sourced from respective websites.