Nestled on the first floor of Adelaide’s iconic heritage listed Epworth Building, a creative collective of designers brace the multi-functional office space known as Epworth Studios. Each designer brings a little something different to each space, comprising Kate Anderson of SIG The Label, Pia Nowland of Lapito Footwear, Stacey Hendrickson of AZALEA Models and Casper and Pearl, Julie White and Sylvy Earl. In association with Renew Adelaide, this creative hub will serve as a working space for the designers and will also enable visitors to meet the makers personally.

The Epworth Studios space has recently received a major make over and you can tell the girls have worked very hard to make this all happen. A minimalist design of white walls, stripped back floor boards and sleek furniture make the products inside pop and allow AZALEA Models to use the space for photo shoots and further fashion related opportunities.

Minimalist aesthetic at Epworth Studios

Minimalist aesthetic at Epworth Studios

The Epworth Studios Launch gave us a little insight into what this vibrant venture is all about, simultaneously introducing guests to a selection of emerging and established designers. Sylvy Earl’s collection adorns one of the rooms with a gorgeous array of hats and millinery that are bound to capture anyone’s attention. The intriguing and intricate textures of her headpieces make one gaze in wonder at what materials are actually used.

Sylvy implements a mixed media approach through the use of diverse textural elements like straw and feathers. These two very opposing materials work in harmony with one another despite their distinct differences in touch and feel. Sylvy is able to stylise and transform the sturdy straw to create a more delicate overall effect, particularly through one of her headbands which features a dainty flower. Likewise, feathers are gathered to create a spiked texture, which from first glance appear to be as sharp as a thorn but when touched are contrarily soft. Sylvy Earl’s millinery creations are perfect for grand events like the races or any fashion soiree.

Sylvy Earl's millinery collection

Sylvy Earl

Moreover, Kate Anderson of SIG (So it Goes) the Label brings us a relaxed fashion approach with casual but high fashion pieces that establish a timeless feel. Simple and minimal would be two words to describe Kate’s designs, particularly her sleeveless tuxedo vest that can be either dressed up or down – a definite statement piece suited for any occasion. SIG the Label conveys one thing well – basics are the core to any outfit. A fusion of monochromatic hues and classic denim make up the collection on show in Kate’s studio.

Epworth Studios launch night

Epworth Studios launch night

Venturing into yet another space of the building, Julie White brings a burst of vivid colour to contrast Epworth Studios’ stark white walls with a collection that comprises stockings, socks and scarves. Produced in limited quantities to give each piece their own personality, customers can also fully enjoy the exclusivity of her items that evoke a one of a kind quality. Boasting an aesthetic and artistic flair, Julie’s drawings are printed onto the hosiery and scarves, successfully combining fashion and art as she applies striking, rich and expressive imagery to her 100% silk garments that are inspired by Australia’s native flora and fauna.

Just so the little ones don’t miss out, Lapito Footwear by Pia Nowland is a collection of cute handcrafted children’s shoes made from 100% leather. Enriched with character and oozing quality, Lapito Footwear’s soft sole leather shoes possess a stylish edge that set them apart from the average kids shoe. Their slogan states ‘Footwear for dapper little feet’, and I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Lapito Footwear by Pia Nowland

Lapito Footwear by Pia Nowland

There’s no doubt that this exciting merge of designers will evolve and grow within their own studio spaces. Epworth Studios allows all five creatives to work to their maximum potential, whilst offering clients and customers a convenient city central location amidst one of Adelaide’s most significant and charming architectural sites.


Images: Vueey Le Photography

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